Wednesday, February 3, 2010


finn in old Irish means white...
so it's not just end again it's white again, and clean again, like white washing a wall to do something different.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


"Bhagafat gaiters"35
Bhagavagita (spelling?)

execution, desecration, bit of both?

"K.O. Sempatrick's Day"35
knock out saint patrick's day? killed off?

irish cream? or is it O'Malley... pretty sure it's O'Mara

honestly i have no idea who any of these people are, so many names and things... i'm loosing my mind.

"united states of Scotia Picta" 43
pictish scotland? thats pre 10th century. they were taken over by the romans and absorbed by the majority of scotland and scottish people.


"a pen no weightier not a polepost" pg 13

for some reason i keep getting pen and sword.
either that or pens and post 'n pole are involved

"dabblin bar" 16

dabbling bar? Dublin bar?

"face to face" very bottom of 18
the f's are sideways and capital... i don't think i get it.

"Mark the Twy" 22
i really wanna say mark twain, twy=two=twain but i'm probably wrong.

"zephiroth" 29
modern gaming reference or maybe the reverse... anyway Final Fantasy VII
also Zephyr a god of the west wind