Thursday, September 27, 2012

can anyone tell me the name and artist of this song? please? i really love this song and can't seem to find it, though i think it's by X-Ray Dog.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Final Blog

i am graduating, so this really probably will be my final blog. at the end of next week i will be going straight to work as a college graduate. but i plan to go get my masters next fall, after i get some money together. but i found that i don't really need a direction or plans to get through and even enjoy life. what happens will happen and i must simply "fare forward." after all theres nothing worth doing that isn't worth the trouble of doin it.

now for the magic words...

Wake up!


the recitation was a blast! those of you who did not come missed out. the movie wasn't quite what i was expecting but i love the way all the lines came together and just were... mesmerizing. hope to get a copy!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

various images, oroborus, phoenix, black crow, white swan, rose cross peacock

i couldn't find any good pelican images sorry


Illusion or reality.

Shaman Sexson says the storm never happens, it's not real. but it is because the sailors believe it is. you can't say something isn't real just because you don't believe in it. prospero may have made an illusory storm but it was a real storm to those out in it.

this may be semantics but just because i dont' believe in god doesn't mean he's not real.


i don't think i ever explained whay i named by blog what i did.

first off Alexandria was home to the greatest library of it's time. when it supposedly burned we lost a good chunk of knowledge and history that can never be recovered. thus we mourn it (wake), wake is also refering to what happenes after Alexandria, a new history is writtenhappeningtold.

also refers to FW as the language of Babel as Alexandria held most of the world's knowledge and languages.

Old blogs

You did tell us to revisit past blogs so here's one from oral traditions


Fin again..

i suppose i shall end this brief trip into oral traditions on a more pleasant note. "a world of sound and sound alone" His dark materials, seven liberal arts, nine muses, fifty discrete items, parataxis, flyting, Finnegans wake, mememoreme, Remember Me, epithets,memory theatre, repetition, Nietzsche, Lull, immortality, ineluctable modality, the grotesque, the unfrequented church, esoteric, Yates, cliche, pathetic fallacy, w.r. Ong, nine necessities, memory, imagination, soul, Kane, tradition, drums in the deep, the god in me, the god i am, Aristotle, Plato, Freud, Jung, anamnesis, recollection of the forgotten, alithiometer, gnosticism, neoplatainism, hamlet, Krishna, bagavagita, Augustine, myth, literature, simonedes, rhetoric, Shahar Azad/sherezade, collective/personal unconscious, solipsistic, grammar/grimoire, "inspired gibberish", Lolita, three taps upon the tongue, carnival-carne val- carne- flesh, names, words, power, magic, tempest...
Gossamer Von Goss, Mnemosyne

it shall not come to pass, it shall not end

this right here tells me how much crossover my classes have