Wednesday, January 27, 2010

FW 1-4

a battle, a battle that reminds me eerily of Troy "fornicationists"...


plus he writes with an Irish accent... it's quite funny

FW in point

"Just this: not text, but texture; not the dream
But topsy-turvical coincidence,
Not flimsy nonsense, but a web of sense."
-Nabokov, Pale Fire

this is FW in point. sensical nonsense, comprehensible nonsense and yet i cannot make sense of it.

though i do like Thomas's idea of picking out something on each page. no i probably wont do that no worries, no stealing

Monday, January 25, 2010

Getting Started

Well now i'm finally getting around to posting.
anyway i have permission to wander my way through finnegan's wake and with "the Rocky Road to Dublin" playing in the back ground i can tell you that within the first thirty pages i have somehow managed to find the Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Killroy, King Arthur, The German Sub the Bismark, Mutt and Jeff, the Isle of Mann and the fact that it's all told with and irish accent.

Now let's get down to business